How to Improve Your Smartphone’s Security?

How to Improve Your Smartphone’s Security

People move more and more data to their smart devices day after day. Personal IDs, financial information, current location, addresses, places visited within the past few months, music tastes, Google search history of speedypaper review articles, and more pieces of info are valuable and critical to keep them safe. So, how can you be sure that your gadgets are protected thoroughly?

How to Improve Your Smartphone’s Security?

The regular “cyberhygiene” and cybersecurity measures seem obvious, but people frequently forget about them. And in fact, the simplest “holes” in your digital defense are the easiest for thieves and hackers to use.

However, no criminal will be able to scare you with their threat if you keep up with the tips below. Check how to make your smartphone safe and preserve crucial data even if your device gets lost or stolen.

Make it Block Faster

Yes, things are that banal. If I don’t want a groupmate to accidentally find out that I’m going to pay to do my homework, one of the best solutions is to cut the period of my phone’s activity till the screen gets blocked. Adjusting the block to a minimal timing is excellent. However, if it takes anyone a single finger swipe to unblock and access the device, this solution alone won’t work.

Make your smartphone’s unblocking code as safe as possible. I suggest not to use graphic keys. PIN codes are much better here. They become ultimate when there are six digits and not four. In case your smartphone is equipped with a fingerprint scanner or face recognition system, using the offered functions is great to keep private data safe.

Activate Search Function

It will be useful in every situation when you lose your phone or if someone intentionally steals it. With the remote search function, you can track the device’s location. Moreover, such software allows blocking data access or erasing all the info out without a phone at hand.

This solution is the best wall between you and a criminal hunting your data. They won’t have it if you delete it.


This is the most popular but also the most ignored security measure. Make the creation of data backups turn into your habit. Backups bring nothing but benefits.

First, a cloud backup at hand will be helpful if you lose a smartphone for some reason. Second, you’ll be happy to have a reserve data copy in case you delete the info from your smartphone remotely and find the device after.

Additionally, files that were backed up can be easily transferred to a new gadget. Isn’t it cool?

Also, Check out How To Recover Data From Dead Phone?

Antivirus Software is Useful

Not only computers can suffer from virus attacks. There are malware programs attacking smartphones as well in 2021. Many antivirus solutions can be installed and used to protect Android devices, such as AVG or McAfee. Devices by Apple functioning under iOS are less vulnerable to virus hacks. However, default security solutions are not ultimately effective there as well.

Factory Reset Before Sale

If you are about to sell your smartphone, there is no need to sell personal information with it. Still, be advised: it is not enough to delete files here. You should perform the factory reset procedure. It will guarantee all the data, including passwords, credit info, private files, and other things are deleted and not given to a new user by accident.

Regular Updates Are Critical

System updates are important to keep every gadget safe. In case your smartphone’s manufacturer released any update, just let it be installed right after you received that notification. Do not hesitate or postpone the procedure. Otherwise, you risk missing critical safety fixes and security updates.

Data Encryption Saves Lives

Data encryption will prevent hackers from getting your data after they are lucky enough to steal your device. Android encryption settings have a separate parameter that allows to encrypt the files contained in a smartphone’s memory and to prevent unauthorized access like that. Apple devices allow users to encrypt backup copies or notes with Touch ID.

Use Authorized Apps Only

To avoid potential risks, refuse downloading apps from third-party websites. Official platforms like Google Play and AppStore mostly have tested and secure software solutions available. However, users should better be careful even there.

Do not forget to check the app’s rating and downloads every time you are about to install something. Additionally, do not forget to check and confirm the list permissions that the application requests after the installation. If the app wants to have too much access and control, consider removing it.

Do Read Cell Phone Spyware Detection and Removal

No Jailbreaks or Roots

Some apps can be used only after you “jailbreak” or “root” your device: they need admin rights to function. Stay alert here: that access not only gives you more flexibility but also deactivates important security measures. So, think about that before jailbreaking or rooting your smartphone: what’s more important – your data safety or expanded functions of particular software?

Also, Checkout How To Unlock Android Phone Password?



Allen is a tech expert focused on simplifying complex technology for everyday users. With expertise in computer hardware, networking, and software, he offers practical advice and detailed guides. His clear communication makes him a valuable resource for both tech enthusiasts and novices.

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