Why is My Laptop Fan So Loud & Hot All of a Sudden?

Why is My Laptop Fan So Loud

The most annoying and tensioning sound is from a laptop fan that keeps running even after your laptop is at sleep or turned off and you may wonder that why is my laptop fan so loud.

You might face these issues because of faulty fans, dust, processor-hungry processes, or high temperature. 

If you have the same problem, then this blog will benefit you.

We have discussed all reasons and some simple techniques to avoid whirring, humming, or grinding noises from laptop fan.

Why is My Laptop Fan So Loud and Hot All of a Sudden?

There are many reasons for a noisy fan. Everyone faces this fan error because of different reasons, so some of them are: 

  1. If you mean that RPMs abruptly increase when you say loudly, the immediate reason is heat or a defective heat sensor. You can track CPU temperature, and RAM and disk consumption to see if it linked the change in fan speed to any of these factors.
  2. A clogged heat sink, reduced airflow, and ambient temperature could all be contributing factors. It is not improbable that the temperature sensor controlling the fan is malfunctioning if there is no actual change in temperature.
  3. If loudly implies the fan is louder without running at high speed, the bearings are bad. The only solution is to replace it. You may take the sticker off the fan and find a hole through which to insert lubricant.

Laptop Making Weird Noise

1) Coil Whine:

Electronic components produce a harsh, high-pitched screech known as coil whine. It is usually released by your computer’s graphics card or power supply.

It is possible that your components do not emit audible coil whine. You might not notice it anyhow if you are not sensitive to high-pitched noises.

Coil whining is not dangerous; it is only a normal result of an electric component.

2) Whirring or Humming:

Hearing humming or whirring is not always a terrible thing. It is the sound of rotating fans.

However, if your computer’s fans are continually spinning at maximum speed, it could be a warning that it is overheating and needs to be cooled down.

Quite fans, anti-vibration fan mounts, fan speed controller, and installing custom cable management can resolve to whir or humming issues.

3) The rattling of the Computer:

If your computer is rattling, the first thing you should do is remove anything sitting on top of the casing, such as an external drive, headphone, figurine, or whatever.

Vibrations from your computer may travel to the case, shaking anything is sitting on it.

If it still does not work, turn off your computer, open it up, and ensure that it tucked away all your connections from any fan blades. The fan could cause the rattle pinching the wire, which will cause a short circuit.

Also, Checkout How to Tell if Motherboard is Dead?

Why is My Laptop Fan So Loud When Charging?

  1. There is a bios setting named fan always on while on AC power or something along those lines. Disable the option.
  2. Second, depending on your power settings, the CPU is allowed a higher wattage when plugged in. Download HWMonitor and compare the power, temperature, and clock rates of your CPU when it’s plugged in against when it’s not plugged in to get a decent idea of what’s going on.
  3. Finally, if you click on the battery icon and drag the power profile to the right on my laptop, it will be forced to run at maximum boost speeds. It’ll be good if you set it to the middle “better performance” slider, where it can downclock itself.

How to Stop Laptop Fan from Running All the Time?

Method 01: Change Settings:

  1. Start > Options > System > Power & Sleep > Additional power settings in Windows 10 additional power configurations
  2. In the pop-up window, select “Change plan settings.”
  3. Then, select “Change advanced power settings.”
  4. Select “processor power management” from the drop-down menu, then “System cooling policy,” then “Active,” change “active” to “Passive,” and click OK.

Method 02: Clean Fan and Heatsink

  1. Take off the bottom cover.
  2. Unplug the battery cable from the motherboard.
  3. Turn off the cooling fan.
  4. Use a brush to clean the fan
  5. Clean the thermal grease and add again after making it clean. 

Method 03: Close Background Processes

  1. Shut down any programs that are running in the background. Go to Task Manager and end all unwanted programs by pressing the end task button.
  2. Just keep the ones that run the system open.
  3. Close any web pages that may be open in the browser.
  4. Some customization applications may force fans to run at a high volume; maintain your system as clean as possible.

Laptop Fan Loud While Doing Nothing

1) Poorly Applied Thermal Grease:

To keep your computer cool, fans, heatsinks, and thermal paste all work together.

Thermal paste, also known as a thermal compound, is used to facilitate heat transfer from the processor or graphics card to the heatsink.

It might be applied incorrectly in the production, making it ineffective at heat dissipation. It may lose its potency over time, and you need to reapply it.

Also Checkout Best CPU Cooler For i7 9700k

2) Running Advanced Game on Older Version:

Game makers are adjusting to modern technology to deliver more features to gamers. It is true not only for games but also for other software.

More demands are made on the graphics card and processor when new updates and functionalities come.

As a result, if you are running new games or software on an older gaming laptop with outdated technology, the fans will likely get loud.


We hope that all information will help you, and you will find an answer to why is my laptop fan so loud.

Before going for any technician or extreme fixes, try out quick fixes. Sometimes a simple method resolves the issue.

Also, Read How to Fix Computer Slowness? 



Allen is a tech expert focused on simplifying complex technology for everyday users. With expertise in computer hardware, networking, and software, he offers practical advice and detailed guides. His clear communication makes him a valuable resource for both tech enthusiasts and novices.

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