Man in the Middle Attack a major type of cyber-attack where an intruder invades the communication between the two parties secretly.
The question is how to prevent man in the middle attack? It is the most frequently asked question in the cyberattack world. Well, it will be explained in the latter part of the article.
What is a (MitM) Man in the Middle Attack?
In this attack, the attacker may alter the messages and creates confusion between two parties. The attacker can create messages of his choice and make them believe that direct communication is taking place between one another.
Eavesdropping is a common instance of MitM attack. In this example, an attracter leaves messages for both parties, and they think that they have their own private chat.
The attacker could insert himself anywhere in between the chat without even letting the talkers know. Hence the attacker is called MitM.
How Does it Occur?
MitM attacks are the oldest form of cyber-attack. Computer scientists are trying their best to resolve the issue of this cyber threat since the 1980s.
In this attack, the attacker sits between two parties conversing with each other. It can be done by hacking the legitimate networks or by making the fake networks that the attackers use. Then the whole conversation is under the control of the attacker.
In this way, they can listen to, alter, terminate, hack or change the conversation. They can also change the destination of the messages that have been sent by both parties.
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Types of Man in the Middle Attack
Cybercriminals can make this attack in several ways:
1) IP Spoofing
By spoofing the Internet Protocol of any website, an attacker can make you think that you are consulting the wrong website. It also gives them your information, which you will not usually share.
2) DNS Spoofing
In this technique, an invader prompts the user to visit a fake website instead of an original one. The attackers can also get the user’s login credentials.
When the browser sees HTTPS instead of HTTP in the URL, it is believed to be a secure site as SSL represents security. But actually, an attacker can fool the browser by making it believe a fake website is a trusted one.
3) Email Hijacking
The attackers attack the email address of the banks from which they can get the details of the transactions of the customers. Then they can send messages to the customers from the bank email, and the customer will be urged to follow the attacker’s instructions.
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4) WiFi Eavesdropping
Cybercriminals can connect to different authentic public Wi-Fis. When a user connects to the hijacked WiFi, his login details, payment details, and bank details will be exposed to the attacker and are vulnerable to any danger.
Man in the Middle Attack Symptoms
MitM attack can be characterized by the following symptoms:
1) Unexpected Disconnections
Unexpected disconnections that irritate the user can be a sign of the attack. Often while using some sites, our internet disconnects again and again. This indicates that a hacker is trying to steal your login details.
2) Suspicious URLs
If you see something suspicious in the URL of the site, it may be a symptom of a MitM attack. It may be DNS spoofing.
3) Public WiFi
If you are at some restaurant or somewhere where public WiFi is available, be aware because it might be an attacker. WiFi security is important to consider. If you see two WiFi of the same place, but with different names, one could be the WiFi hijacked by the attacker.
How to Prevent a (MitM) Man in the Middle Attack?
It is a big scam, but it can be prevented with a little extra care. Some preventions are given below:
1) WiFi Settings
Change the WiFi setting of your phone so that it does not connect automatically whenever it receives signals from public WiFi.
2) Analyze the URL
Check the URL carefully before visiting any website and check for the symbol of a lock before the URL.
3) VPN
Use VPN always if possible.
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4) Public WiFi
Try to avoid banking when you are connected to public WiFi.
5) Make Use of Cellular Connection
Use a cellular connection in public if your banking is urgent.
Are Man in the Middle Attacks Illegal?
Man in the Middle attack is illegal and should not be done or appreciated at any cost. It is clearly an invasion of the privacy of someone’s data, and it may harm another person’s life.
Try to be a little extra careful while using the internet and keep a check on your surroundings if you feel that someone is indulging in this crime.
SSL Man in the Middle Attack
SSL stands for secure socket layer. It is a protocol for web pages that make them secure and encrypted.
As we have already discussed that hackers or attackers can hijack websites and use user’s personal data. So they can also hack your websites by hacking their SSL system.
How SSL Prevents Man in the Middle Attack?
SSL is used to provide you the safest website. It will secure your website and prevent it from attackers. It will issue a private key that will only be available for the people of authenticity who have the right to the site.
Well, the attacker can reach that key if he works a little harder, but of course, he cannot decrypt that data. The encrypted data will have some private keys.
As the hacker does not have the authority certificate, he cannot enter the website. If he tries to enter the website by some certificate made by him, he will be identified immediately.
Also, there will be a warning message for the user, which will tell him to move from that site that is under attack by the hackers.
SSL and SSH secure online communication and prevent your data from hackers.
Well, the article highlights how to prevent man in the middle attack. You can also detect the attack symptoms if you are using the internet for the site that has been attacked.
Always remember to be a careful person while using the sites that you have not frequently been using.
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