How to Burn Files to a CD on Windows 7,8,10 and Mac?

how to burn a cd on windows 10

Do you intend to know about moving data from your PC to a CD or DVD and are here looking for an answer to a question in your mind i.e. how to burn files to a CD on windows 7,8,10?

Well, whether it be windows or Mac, You will get good knowledge in this regard in this article. Moreover, you will also learn about CD burner for Windows and Mac

How to Burn Files to a CD / DVD on Windows 7,8,10?

How to Burn Files to a CD DVD on Windows 7,8,10

The process for doing this task is not much difficult.

On inserting the CD in the drive, you will get a popup on your computer screen asking for further actions in this regard.

What is Burning a CD?

What is Burning a CD

Do you really think that here by burning means working with fire?

Well, that’s not true and is a pretty much funny thing. The word burning refers to copying the desired information on that CD (Compact Disk). Actually, you are writing data on it.


Some computers already have burning software installed on them which makes work much easier. If your PC doesn’t have that software installed, then you can search online for such software and install them


It some main benefits include:

  1. Backup data
  2. Storage
  3. Sharing information

Also, check out Flash Storage vs. SSD: This is What Professionals Use 

Factors Affecting the Process

Some of the main factors on which the completion of this process depends on are:

1) Amount of Data on the Disk

The greater the amount of data, the more time will be consumed. If you copy data on a CD according to its capacity then it will hardly take 10-30 mins to complete this task.

2) CD Drive Writing Speed

Writing speed refers to its speed with which the data placement is done on the disk.

Some standard speeds are:

  • 24x
  • 52x

Well, you might be thinking what does this 24x mean?

It means that the speed with which the data will be placed on the disk will be 24 times more than the amount of data that needs to be copied.

3) The Type of CD

It’s some types include:

  • Audio CD
  • Data CD

An audio CD requires a bit more time than the data CD. The reason is that some time will be consumed in converting the music files to be played on the CD players.

How to Burn a Data CD or Pictures on a CD in Windows 10?

When you insert any CD in the CD ROM, then you need to tell your PC that what you intend to do with this CD,  means write files or audio, video, etc

To burn files on an empty cd, follow these steps:

  1. Insert the CD and then push it in the tray
  2. Then you will get a popup asking for the action to be taken on it. Click the burn files option on that popup
  3. Then a dialog box will be appeared asking you to enter the title for this disc. Enter the name in that box
  4. The limits are 16 characters. After entering the name, click next to move on to the next step
  5. There are 2 ways to burn data on the disc. The first one is a USB flash driveIn these methods, data can be read or written on the disc multiple time. some disks are not compatible with this option. The second one is a CD Player. It allows reading the files on the disk in multiple formats.
  6. Then select the files you intend to burn on that CD. There are multiple ways to do so. You can do it by drag and drop quite easily. This is the simplest one.
  7. Then windows will copy your desired files to the disc.
  8. You can check the completion of this task on the progress bar.
  9. The progress bar will get disappeared when this data burning process is completed.
  10. When this process gets completed, eject your CD from the drive.
  11. By ejecting, you are basically asking the windows to end this session.

How to Burn an ISO to a CD / DVD on Windows 10?

How to Burn an ISO to a CD on Windows 10

Many software comes in ISO files. Visit this to know more about ISO files.

You can mount it so the content becomes visible to you and then burn it to a disc. In this way, you can get this software installed on any device you desire (that is compatible with this device)

Follow these steps to burn this ISO file on the disc:

  1. Insert the CD or the DVD in the drives and then push the tray inside
  2. Select the iso file you desired to be burned, right click on it, and select the option “burn disk image”
  3. Don’t forget to select the option saying “Verify disc…” in order to make sure that the work goes smoothly.
  4. Then click on the burn option to start the process

In windows 10 you can use some free software to get this task done. This is because there is no built-in software included in it to perform this task.

CD Burner for Mac

The disk that you will burn on mac can be easily used in window and Linux PC’s too

To get this process done, follow the steps below:

  1. Insert a CD / DVD in the drive
  2. A popup will appear. From that select the open finder option, you will find in the action menu.
  3. Click Ok to proceed
  4. Drap and drop the files you desire to copy on that CD.
  5. Click Burn
  6. Then you will be asked to enter the name of the disc. Enter the name
  7. Click Burn
  8. Eject the disk when the process gets completed. You can monitor the process on the progress bar.

Linux CD Burner

Some of the software that can get this process completed on Linux are:

  • Brasero
  • K3B
  • GnomeBaker
  • Xfburn
  • Nero
  • ImgBurn
  • SimpleBurn
  • InfraRecorder

Can You Burn Audio CD Music to a DVD?

Can You Burn Audio CD Music to a DVD

Yes, you can easily do this. It is explained below.

How to Copy a CD in Windows 10?

Well creating a copy this way is not a difficult task now. Follow these steps to do so:

The first things you need to do in this regard is to make a disk image of the cd you intend to copy. Now you might be thinking what the disk image is.

What is a Disk Image?

A sector by sector copy of a disk is saved in a file. This is what we call disk image. It basically consists of the entire content of the disk.

ISO is a popular format of the disk image. Some other formats include

  • MDF
  • BIN
  • NRG

All properties of sources of the original disk are retained in this disk image.

Uses of Disk Image

They are mostly used in:

Now getting back to our topic i.e copying a cd.

After creating a disk image, insert the disk to which you want the content to be copied

Then burn the disk image on that second disk

In windows, you need to get the software installed to create this disk image. This is because there is no built-in software of this sort and thus windows is aware of executing this task on its own.

Disk Imaging Software

Such software is available online quite easily. Some of them are:

  • Acronis Disk Director
  • Symantic Ghost Solution
  • EaseUS Partition Master
  • Clonezilla

How to Rip Music from a CD/ DVD?

Before moving on with this process, I guess It is better to let you know first what actually ripping means in this case.

What Does Ripping a CD Mean?

What Does Ripping a CD Mean

In this process, your CD content is copied to your device. It does this in WMA and MP3 formats.

One more thing, WMA format cant be played in iPads and many other smartphones. So its better to get it in MP3 format.

What is the Difference Between Ripping and Burning a CD?

These 2 terms are opposite to each other. Only one thing is common between them, i.e the software used to execute each process. The software used for ripping and burning is the same.

Ripping refers to getting the CD data on PC while burning refers to copying the PC data on the CD.

Do you know why these names are given to each of them?

  • Well the first one is called riping because in that process we rip through the CD to get its content
  • And the second one is referred to as burner because it works by using a laser that burns the data

Now its time to move on to the real topic i .e how the ripping is done.

Ripping a CD

Follow these steps to do so:

  1. On inserting a CD in the drive if the Autoplay menu pops up. Then you can start the ripping process directly from there.
  2. One of the options in this menu is related to ripping. You can click it to get started with the process.
  3. One important thing to keep in mind while doing this is to make sure that the option ‘Always do this..’ is unchecked. This is because if it remains checked then your PC will attempt to copy files every time which will result in storage consumption.
  4. You can check the completion of this process under the ripped menu.
  5. Windows media player stores the file in WMV format. This is the default settings. The files are saved in the music folder. You can get them from there
  6. If you intend to get the MP3 files after ripping them, you can go ahead with the normal ripping.
  7. To do this, go to Windows media player and in the ripping menu click on the normal rip.

How to Format a CD?

How to Format a CD

Well, we have disused a lot about copying content to and from the CD but sometimes need arises to remove all data from it in order to get the new data burned on it.

Follow these steps to do so in windows OS:

  1. Open file explorer after inserting the CD in the drive
  2. Click the ‘This PC’ icon that is found on the left windows in the file explorer
  3. Click the icon of the disk that you inserted.
  4. From the menu go to manage and then to format.
  5. Then click on start to get the process started.

Also, read How to Destroy a Hard Drive?


After getting a new PC or building your own PC the first thing that comes in mind is the data.

It is quite important to know how to burn a CD on Windows 10,8,7 and Mac OS too.

Believe me, this knowledge will help you a lot.  It’s quite essential for moving data from one places to another. Moreover, it helps in making backups of some important data.

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Allen is a tech expert focused on simplifying complex technology for everyday users. With expertise in computer hardware, networking, and software, he offers practical advice and detailed guides. His clear communication makes him a valuable resource for both tech enthusiasts and novices.

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