Awesome Tips for E-commerce SMS Marketing
Selling goods imply certain difficulties, namely, the ability to contact customers.
An average consumer receives numerous messages to the email, which will never be opened.
Most of them will remain spam. Large companies have long come to the conclusion that bulk SMS is an efficient way to communicate with the audience. In this case, most of the messages will be opened within a few seconds after being delivered.
What is SMS marketing?
Sending short messages to mobile devices turned out to be an efficient marketing solution. Recipients pay attention to incoming notifications on the screen of their gadget much more often.
The gist of text message marketing is that companies and organizations can provide their customers with useful information at any convenient time.
Notifications about changes in the open hours or the launch of a new promotion campaign will be useful for most customers, so bulk SMS for business is the key to success.
The only thing to worry about is the permission to send such messages to subscribers. Your customers will be happy to agree to receive them.
4 reasons to use SMS marketing for E-com
You may feel concerned about launching the first advertising campaign, but you don’t give way to your fears. The reasons for short messages being popular will help you get rid of your doubts.
Reason 1: Engagement
For a promotional campaign, the efficiency indicator is the target audience’s response. The customers interested in the offer will be sure to follow the suggested link and make the right decision. Higher engagement by using an SMS provider is the first positive change.
Reason 2: No Internet connection
The email recipients have to stay online to learn the notification contents quickly. By sending short messages, you can contact your customers at any time without a mandatory Internet connection.
Reason 3: Simple way to get in touch
According to statistics, people keep holding mobile phones for 4-7 hours a day. Use the statistics to your advantage and make your sales grow. Recipients are more likely to study the message contents, and thus will think about your offer.
Reason 4: Preferable way of communication
The key advantage of mass text messaging is the ability to contact a buyer. The company always has a guarantee that an addressee is a real person who can read the information provided. Take a chance to contact your customers directly for better results in the foreseeable future.
How to start your first SMS marketing campaign?
Launching bulk texting for the first time is quite a difficult task for most companies, so you should use special tools. BSG World is a well-known platform that provides all the necessary assistance and enables you to achieve your goal.
The marketing newsletter launch takes a minimum of time. The after-sending reports will help to improve the quality of the content and track the recipients’ reactions.
7 tips for effective Ecommerce SMS marketing
Getting started with a new communication channel may arise concerns about its efficiency, but you shouldn’t doubt that your choice is right. Take note of a few simple tips that will help to get the most out of using the SMS sending platform.
Tip 1: Personalization
Addressing by the client’s name and referring to the previous work experience will help to convince the customer of his or her importance to the brand. Such a message will be opened much faster since the recipient gets an impression of gratuitous assistance from the company.
Tip 2: Brevity
Recipients read messages on small screens, so shorten the text to a single call to action. Not only this is effective but makes it possible to attract the utmost attention to your offer as well.
Tip 3: Value
The information of no value will be deleted in a few seconds. Work on coming up with valuable content in SMS marketing and make sure that you’ve managed to strike on the client’s important chords.
Tip 4: Availability
Don’t overload the recipients with complex sentences and phrases. Try to find the golden mean and share useful information. Remember that one message is one campaign.
Tip 5: Focus on the urgency
Tell the addressees about the final date of the promotion or sale, and convince them of a quick decision. Add a link for curious customers and evaluate the growing traffic to the selected resource and accept weighted bulk SMS solutions.
Tip 6: Utility
You can establish contact with the recipient immediately after placing an order. Inform about the completion period and further actions performed by both sides. Provide as much useful information as possible and keep customers up to date with the latest news.
Tip 7: Care
Use the holidays as an additional reason to meet on the mobile screen. Birthdays, New Year, and celebrations seem to be specially created for sending newsletters using mass texting services.
Wrapping up
A reliable tool at hand is the best guarantee of success. Give it a try by yourself by working with BSG marketing. Use a single SMS gateway and detailed reports to evaluate your promo campaign efficiency.
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